Partner with us Link Exchange
Add our link to your website.
Your link will be added to our links page Click Here.
Before you submit your link you will need to add our link to your site. Otherwise your submission will be declined automatically. We accept both Banner and link exchanges.
Link Code
Here is the complete link code how it should look on your site:
Text Link
<a href="" title="South Africa Escorts" target="_blank">South Africa Escorts</a>
Banner Link
Banner 200x100 Code
<a href="" title="South Africa Escorts" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="South Africa Escorts" /></a>

Banner 468x60 Code
<a href="" title="South Africa Escorts" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="South Africa Escorts" /></a>

Banner 728x90 Code
<a href="" title="South Africa Escorts" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="South Africa Escorts" /></a>

Banner 300x250 Code
<a href="" title="South Africa Escorts" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="South Africa Escorts" /></a>

Banner 250x250 Code
<a href="" title="South Africa Escorts" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="South Africa Escorts" /></a>